The Summer Scrap Elimination Project: Week 1

It's the first day of summer and here in Arizona and it is HOT, HOT, HOT! It's definitely time to hole up in my studio and make new things until cooler weather is with us again. This year I got back from my latest trip and started studio clean up. Usually that process begins with putting away my scraps from recent projects, but this time I was confronted with this image.
What a wreck! Not only can I not find anything in my scrap drawers, but I also can't fit any more in those drawers.
As you know, when we quilters get busy, we make a lot of scraps. So this is Week 1 of the Summer Scrap Elimination Project! I hope you enjoy the projects. Stick with me and you'll get a new project made entirely of scraps every week for 6 weeks!
1. For this first project, begin by cutting 2 1/2" strips that are longer than 8 1/2". Cut as many as you like. I started with 112 strips to make a small quilt ~36" x 41". I plan to make two more of these as my charity donation quilts for this year, so I have cut a lot of strips.

2. Piece your 2 1/2" strips in groups of 4 to create stratas.

I made 26 stratas. I pressed my seams all one direction.
3. Square the stratas to 8 1/2" x 8 1/2".

4. Cut the stratas on both diagonals.

5. Rearrange the 4 triangles to make two smaller blocks.

6. Piece the smaller blocks together.

Stiching triangles can require care. Feed them through the machine carefully. I like to use the Ideal Seam Guide to make sure my seams are accurate.

7. Decide how you want to lay out your quilt. This block allows for at least 3 possible configurations that each make for a fun quilt.

Option A

Option B

Option C

8. Once you have a layout choice, complete your quilt top construction. My preference is to stitch the columns of the quilt and then stitch the columns together.
9. Quilt your beautiful scrap quilt and enjoy!

Thanks for joining me for the Summer Scrap Elimination project. Tune in next week when we'll be looking at a small project that can easily be cut and completed in a single day!
My scrap drawers are starting to look more approachable and I can see room on my shelves. New fabric purchases will certainly have spaces to live in after this Elimination.