Swan Sheridan was born in Bend, Oregon in little house on Colorado Street. She currently lives in Vail, Arizona with her super hero husband and turbo charged daughter.
Swan’s interest in all things textile related began when she was very young. She tried everything from spinning wool, to cross-stitch and finally landed in the world of quilting during grad school as she awaited the birth of her first nephew. She dabbled in appliqué with that first quilt in the interests of covering a mistake and thus did necessity become the mother of invention.
Appliqué truly took over Swan’s quilting life in 2004 while she was pregnant with her daughter. Swan had a dream during that time that repeated a magical image of dragonflies rising out of a brass urn and flying toward the moon. Unable to shake the idea that this image needed to become a quilt for her baby-to-be, Swan set out to make this quilt come alive and as a result produced her first large appliquéd scene.
In 2009, with her daughter in preschool, Swan began to refine her appliqué skills always with unique designs. Soon after she took a job with Bella Quiltworks in Tucson, Arizona, offering her the opportunity to be immersed in the quilting world in a whole new way.
Swan began producing patterns for sale in early 2013 and regularly exhibits her work in local shows. She teaches in Tucson, offering classes in appliqué, color, hand quilting, and decorative stitches. She also enjoys commission work on a limited basis.
On any given day, you can find this quilt artist half buried in fabric, brandishing her needle and thread, and otherwise surrounded by implements of creativity.
Swan Amity Studios
2506 N. Stone Ave.
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Tel: 520-867-6108
Email: SwanAmity@gmail.com
Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 9am - 8pm
​​Saturday: 9am - 7pm
Sunday: 10am - 6pm