The Summer Scrap Elimination Project: Week 2
Good morning Scrappers! This week we are continuing to cut and stitch our way through our left overs and reduce the chance of bursting our storage containers at the seams!!!

This week I am writing to you from the deliciously cooler weather of Los Angeles. Yes, I realize it's not actually cool here, but in comparison to back home in Vail, Arizona it's downright chilly!
Today I have a project for you that is an easy afternoon activity! You might find that you can't stand to only make one! I'm calling it the Rainbow Scrappy Container.

While going through my scrap drawers this June, I discovered a beautiful pile of hand dye scraps my friend Carolyn gave me when she was moving up to Washington. We'll try not to remember how many years ago that was. All of the colors are so beautiful that I needed to design something that would use them all!
So here is what you will need:
14 fabric rectangles 2 1/2" x 8 1/2"
2 rectangles 14 5/8" x 8 1/2" lining pieces
1 cardboard circle 9" in diameter
2 fabric circles 10" in diameter
a little fabric glue
1. Begin by cutting your 14 fabric rectangles. I cut mine in the rainbow colors from my hand dye left overs. Find some of your larger left-overs and cut your two lining rectangles and your two 10" fabric circles. When cutting my 10" fabric circles I like to mark the circles with my templates from Quilter's Rule for the

best accuracy.

2. Using a 1/4" seam, begin stitching your 14 rectangles together to create the outside of your container. Press in the same direction with each additional piece. When all 14 are stitched together, stitch the last one to the first one to close the circle. You now have a tube.

3. In the same fashion, stitch your two lining rectangles together on both short sides to form a tube that is nearly the same size as the outside tube. Slide this liner tube inside the original tube with right sides facing each other and stitch a 1/2" seam around the edge, press and turn right side out to create the top finished edge.
To prevent that edge from rolling in the future and to make a stiffer, more stable top, stitch two lines around the closed edge of the new seam.

I usually set up a seam guide on my machine to keep the top stitching lines nice and straight.
4. Pin the bottom raw edges of the lining and the and the outside tube together and stitch around the tube 1/2" from the raw edge to establish the base. Turn the tube inside out. Line up the first 10" circle with the raw edge of the tube and stitch a 1/2" seam all the way around.

With the bottom seam completed, turn the whole piece right side out for the final time. The last seam will be visible in the bottom.

5. Using the second 10" circle and a little fabric glue, cover the 9" cardboard circle on one side.

6. When the glue is dry, slip the covered cardboard circle into the bottom of the Scrappy Container, to make the container stiff and stable on bottom.
7. Your Scrappy Container is complete! It's that easy! Use your new container to hold fabric ends in class, as a waste container that looks pretty in the living room, to deliver a house warming plant, but be warned it's a near guarantee that someone in your house will wear it at some point! Clayton thinks it also makes a great hat. ;)