The Summer Scrap Elimination 2021: Week 5
Good morning Scrappers! We're making a bag with our scraps today! Now, I'm no professional bag maker, but I think you'll see this is a...

The Summer Scrap Elimination 2021: Week 4
Happy Thursday Scrappers! This week's project is one I've been wanting to make for a while. For years, I've been carrying my Guild...

The Summer Scrap Elimination 2021: Week 2
Wow, last week was fun! Thank you for all the lovely responses about last week's pattern! I hope you will enjoy this week's project...

The Summer Scrap Elimination 2021: Week 1
It's hot my quilty friends! HOT! Here in Tucson that means we quilters are hunkered down in our studios with fans, iced drinks and...

Summer Scrap Elimination 2020: Week 3
Good morning Scrappers and welcome to Week 3! The bougainvillea in the front of my Studio is blooming such an amazing fuschia that I...

Summer Scrap Elimination 2020: Week 2
Good morning Scrappers! Welcome to week 2! This week we have some fun with flying geese and some fun settings in two different block...

Kismet: You'll fall in love
Good morning Hoppers! It's day 4 of the Kismet Blog Hop and we have some fun things to share with you from Swan Amity Studios. Let me...

Summer Scrap Elimination 2019: Week 6
Good morning Scrappers and welcome to the final week of the Summer Scrap Elimination. Today I am working from Nixa, Missouri at my...

Summer Scrap Elimination 2019 Week 4
Good morning Scrappers! Can you believe we're in week 4 already! This summer is just flying by and I am drinking in my time in the...

Summer Scrap Elimination 2019 Week 2!
Good morning Summer Scrappers! I hope you enjoyed last week's project. This week we're going to do another block that is easily adapted...